Marko Drobnjakovic (b. 1979) is a freelance documentary photographer based out of Belgrade, Serbia. He covered international breaking news as a photographer and videographer in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. His long-term photography largely focuses on post-conflict societies, and includes work on stories related to the Iraq conflict, the turmoil and subsequent escalation of violence in Ukraine, the rise and fall of ISIS in northern Iraq, the refugee crisis in Europe and the aftermath and consequences of the Yugoslav wars. Marko worked on feature assignments for publications and clients that include The Associated Press, NBC, MSF, International Rescue Committee, Human Rights Watch, Der Spiegel, El Pais and The New York Times. Awards and grants include the Magnum Foundation Grant, Pulitzer Prize finalist for Breaking News Photography, Yunghi Kim Grant, Aftermath Project Grant finalist, Ochberg Fellowship, Logan Nonfiction Fellowship, Alfred Toepfer Fellowship Grant.